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随着新媒体的发展与普及,大学生中形成了各种新的文化景观,最明显的是他们对文化的认知方式、思维模式和表达手段正发生着改变。以在大学生群体中的相关社会调查为依据,考察了新媒体环境下大学生写作方式的变化和影响,研究了大学生的新媒体写作与传统文学和写作教学的关系。文章认为,新媒体的发展虽然对大学生写作的媒介运用、内容表达、传播方式等方面带来了巨大变化和深刻影响,但大学生的写作也仍然受传统文学和写作形式的文化制约,大学的文学与写作教学需要顺应时代发展形势,将新媒体写作尽快纳入到教学体系之中去。  相似文献   
运用DEA.Malmquist指数分析法对18个市2000-2009年间的全要素生产率进步及其因素分解分析的结果表明:河南各市全要素生产率增长十分强劲,年均达14.7%,且落后地区具有明显的追赶趋势,但近几年下滑趋势明显。进一步的实证分析说明,技术进步是推动全要素生产率增长的主要动力,而综合技术效率和纯技术效率的下降则是制约TFP提升的瓶颈因素。因此,要遏制全要素生产率的下滑势头,就必须大力推进科技进步、提升技术效率和规模效率。  相似文献   
This paper draws on a ten month British study completed in April 2001 investigating service responses to women of South Asian background who had attempted suicide or who self-harmed. The scope of the study is briefly outlined and an analysis of perspectives documented in the study is presented, drawing on research interviews with 18 staff from a variety of health and social care disciplines and with seven survivors of attempted suicide/self-harm. The implications of this analysis for improving practice are considered. Attitudes surrounding attempted suicide and self-harm are discussed. The issue of ‘race anxiety’ is also discussed. The factors seen by workers as contributing to South Asian women's attempted suicide are considered, with a particular focus on the difficulties caused in the delivery of services by common-sense accounts of cultural issues. Current approaches to the delivery of services to South Asian women are identified and analysed, showing how their current organisation can lead to circularity in referral systems and consequent non-intentional neglect of the needs of this client group. It is urged that proper consideration be given to the support and professional supervision of staff in this complex area of work.  相似文献   
The notion that body modification occurs when one undertakes practices like tattooing, piercing or scarification, engenders discourses in which: (i) body modifiers endorse such practices as self‐constructive, distancing their practitioners from social regulation and a deterministic biology, whereas; (ii) critics condemn their seemingly violent, corporeal interference. However, in suspecting that such analysis should be attentive to the concurrent individual and social co‐constitution of behaviours, a sociological and post‐structural interrogation of this characterization of body modification as a “sovereign, denaturalizing” endeavour is demanded. An engagement with the originary violence of Derridian deconstruction will duly re‐conceive body modification practice as not something which introduces violence to corporeality. Rather, violence will present as a primordial differentiating process which bodies always already condition, and by which they are conditioned/produced/modified. The second issue at stake in this article will thus develop as a contestation to the characterization of “body modification” as an exclusive category of practice. Such practices do not arrive, pre‐existing, but rather manifest as the originary violence/differentiation of bodies‐as‐modifications‐which‐modify. This re‐defines modification from something that agentive subjects introduce to bodies, to something that subjects‐as‐bodies cannot help but be. Consequently, individual agency is not divorced from behaviour, but emerges as a corporeal, social production.  相似文献   
本文选取《纳西东巴古译注全集》第6卷中的《祭署.神鹏与署斗争的故事》为材料,《祭署.神鹏与署斗争的故事》是纳西东巴经早期经典的代表,对于研究纳西族的历史、语言、文字有非常重要的学术价值。文章对该经典的文献类型、物质形式、形制与书写格式的实际使用情况进行研究,就纳西东巴古籍的特点和研究价值提出了作者自己的见解。  相似文献   
物联网核心技术链演进及其产业政策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提升产业竞争力是发展战略性新兴产业的关键,产业政策是促进和提升新兴产业竞争力的重要方式。物联网核心技术链的演进以及技术产业化过程中出现的问题值得注意。物联网这一新兴产业内生的技术链和外生的产业政策构成物联网产业创新系统。在借鉴美国、欧盟、日本等发达国家物联网产业政策实践经验的基础上,针对我国物联网产业发展中的关键问题,提出产业自主化发展的政策选择。  相似文献   
近年来,我国沿海地区劳动密集型企业技术工人的供给严重短缺,对其短缺的原因,学者们见仁见智,提出不同的看法。本文从"机会成本"理论的角度出发分析技术工人的选择。通过完善工资福利制度,使务工的机会成本小于务农的机会成本;调整产业结构,增加企业利润,使技术工人"外流"的机会成本提高;建立科学有效的人才激励,降低技术工人服务于劳动密集型企业的机会成本;发展职业技术教育,扩大技术工人就业的机会成本选择范围等途径解决技术工人的供给严重短缺问题,使其健康持续发展。  相似文献   
低碳社会视阈下技术理性刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
技术理性体现并实现着文明。低碳和低碳社会作为人类超越工业文明的理性选择,体现着人类理性觉醒和理性自觉,表现为当下发展的一种价值和实践原则。技术理性的低碳规定与对低碳的建构是其主要方面。低碳规定表现在受其统领,在物的视野中有更多的人的视野,个体视野中有着更多类性的视野,从而就有更多的生态视野。维持自然生态系统的平衡稳定成为技术理性的最高律令。  相似文献   
传统文论中的水意象批评主要体现在三个方面:一是以水为喻论述文艺的起源和发展;二是以水意象描述文艺创作中审美主体的修养、心态以及创作原则、方法等;三是借水的波光、颜色等形容文艺的不同风格及其鉴赏。水意象批评具有比喻意义和本体意义的双重意义。  相似文献   
中国传统戏曲是一种写意的综合艺术,其在有限舞台空间中挥洒出无限自由的广阔空间,其戏曲空间可归纳为回环流转性、时空跳跃性、象征写意性、意象虚拟性四种特质,这些美学特质使中国传统戏曲具有形式优美、意境高远、表现力丰富的独特魅力。  相似文献   
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